Sunday 25 May 2014

Fitness Tips for Housewives

Fashion, Beauty and Health

It is difficult to take 1 hour off from your schedule for exercising when you are a busy housewife.

Often housewives tend to gain more weight than those who go out for their work. This is because they are so tied to the household chores that they find no time for exercises and workouts to keep themselves fit and healthy. While having a routine of 9 to 7 job has its own advantages, a housewife’s role is slightly more tricky from outside it seems that you have a lot of time on your hands, but only a housewife knows how difficult it is to settle on a routine. Every now and then they are occupied with some or the other household need. In the midst of all these the homemakers normally avoid their health and fitness and it eventually goes for a toss. Here are some tricks for beautiful housewives to keep themselves fit and healthy….

Cook something that not only tastes good but is also free from the harmful calories. You can even join some Yoga classes or can ask the Yoga instructor to come home. Try and learn new things and explore your creative side.

Avoid using things like electronic mixers and grinders and start doing the cutting, grinding and mixing jobs manually. Toss your food in the pan while cooking, instead of stirring. It will be a good exercise for your arms, wrists and the entire hand.

Even if you have a habit of snacking throughout the day, healthy snacks will help you to rescue. Make some healthy desserts for yourself and your family. There are plenty of healthy snack recipes available try them.

Living a dull and monotonous routine will only worsen the things for you!!

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