Sunday 25 May 2014

Easy Tips to Start Exercising

Fashion, Beauty and Health

Want to start exercising for a while, but every time it is not for whatever reason? It is now high time to say goodbye to excuses and start exercising! We all know that regular exercise is good for us. Unfortunately, we tend to get caught up in thinking that the only way to get a good workout is by spending hours in the gym or constantly ‘feeling the burn’.
ust 30 minutes of exercise at a moderate pace each day will make a big difference. Feeling sluggish, tired and mentally exhausted? Try a short walk to get the blood circulating. Unable to sleep at night? Working out gently for 30 minutes will make you physically tired enough to improve get to sleep more easily.
Here are some pointers that will help you kick-start a new fitness routine, and stick to it…
Schedule During Quiet Hours – Make sure you record your exercise schedule. That way, you make time and go really sports. This way you give yourself a rest and sports do consistently. You make this exercise easier on yourself because you are more attached to it. Don’t put exercise time in a place where it will easily be pushed aside by something more important. Right after work or first thing in the morning are often good places to put it. Lunch-hour workouts might be too easy to skip if work demands start mounting.

Make it Fun- Try to exercise as much fun as possible and enjoy it! Take along your iPod and listen to your favorite music. Think about what kind of body you’ll get if you exercise maintains! If you find exercise fun, it’s easier to stick to it.
Start Small - Trying to run fifteen miles your first workout isn’t a good way to build a habit. Work below your capacity for the first few weeks to build the habit. Otherwise you might scare yourself off after a brutal workout.
Be Motivated by buddy- It can be a friend, spouse or sibling anyone who can motivate you.  Take out half an hour after dinner in the evening and go for a walk with your spouse every day. Up the tempo and make sure both of you are out of breath and sweaty by the time you return.
Benefits of Exercise
Reduces your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, diabetes and obesity.
Keeps joints, tendons and ligaments flexible, which makes it easier to move around
Reduces some of the effects of aging.
Contributes to your mental well-being and helps treat depression which helps relieve stress and anxiety.
Increases your energy and endurance and helps you sleep better.
Helps you maintain a normal weight by increasing your metabolism (the rate you burn calories).

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