Friday 30 May 2014

A healthy summer diet

Fashion, Beauty and Health

1. Water is the best option to quench thirst.

It is a key ingredient in keeping the body cool. With high humidity levels, sweat will not evaporate quickly. This prevents the body from releasing heat in an efficient manner. This is why it is necessary to hydrate and drink water, even when you are not thirsty. Increase water intake regardless of your activity levels.

2. Avoid caffinated or carbonated beverages, alcoholic beverages, and those high in sugar.

All these drinks contain preservatives, colours and sugars. They are acidic in nature and act as diuretics. They cause loss of fluids through urine.

Many soft drinks contain diluted phosphoric acid, which damages the inner lining of the digestive tract and, therefore, affects its functions.

An excessive intake of soft drinks increases phosphorous levels in the blood. This separates calcium from the bones and moves it into the blood.

This calcium displacement from the bones makes them porous and brittle. It also causes plaque on the teeth, kidney stones, arthritis and bone spur.

Soft drinks also reduce mineral levels in the body to such an extent that enzymes are unable to function well, resulting in indigestion.

3. Do not drink very chilled liquids.

They do not really help cool you down in summers, though they make you cool for some time. Drinking really cold liquids when feeling hot may lead to a slight constriction of the blood vessels in the skin and decrease heat loss, which is not advisable when trying to cool down.

4. Limit all strenuous activity.

5. Eat light, nutritious and non-fatty meals.

6. Reduce intake of heaty vegetables and fruits, like spinach, radish, hot peppers, onions, garlic, beetroot, pineapple, grapefruit and ripe mangoes (if you cannot resist mangoes, soak them overnight in water).

7. Minimise the intake of dried fruits. Increase the intake of fresh fruit.

8. Use sabza (tulsi seeds) in your drinks -- this has very cooling effect on the body.

9. Include lots of fruits and vegetables in the form of salads and fresh juices, preferably without sugar, in your diet.

10. Drink lemon juice, coconut water and thin buttermilk, to replenish the fluids that are lost in sweat.

11. Avoid sugary foods, especially honey and molasses, and stick to natural sugars available from fruits and veggies.

12. Minimise the intake of hot, spicy foods and extremely salty foods. The body retains salt in the organic form found in fruits and veggies; the inorganic salt, meanwhile, is digested and needs to be thrown out of the body. And this is why you need to drink water!

13. Cut the intake of fried foods, like vadas, samosas, chips, bhajias, farsans, etc. Fat has a thermal effect.

14. Maintain good hygiene levels

Since the sultry heat of summer increases with each degree rise in the mercury, by rooting ourselves to nature's provision of healthful food choices we can experience the bloom of our health and vitality.

Diet Tips for Best Summer Body

Fashion, Beauty and Health

Diet Tips for Your Best Summer Body 

After months of hiding from the winter's cold under the protective warmth of bulky clothes, it's time to start concentrating on eating healthy with the goal of getting that great summer body. Diet isn't everything though. Exercising is also an important component as you try to get in shape, but what you eat will ultimately have more influence over your figure. Here are some diet tips to help you obtain that beach body by the time summer completely rolls around.

Tip 1: Eat Your Fruits and Veggies
Filling your diet with fresh, nutritious, and low-calorie foods is the best way to begin transforming your body. Fruits and vegetables both fit the bill. Eating 3-5 servings of fruit and vegetables daily is recommended. Focus your dieting efforts on trying to eat plenty of the right foods, not just trying to avoid your favorite treats. This kind of mentality will aid you in obtaining your ideal summer body. When the afternoon rolls around and you need a snack, reach for an apple or some baby carrots instead of a cookie! Don't think of it as having to avoid the treat, think of it as having to fill your daily fruit and vegetable quota.

Tip 2: Eat a High-Fiber Lunch
No more empty calories! You'll be much less prone to snack if you eat a lunch that is filled with fiber. A bowl of chili with a portion of pita bread makes for an excellent high fiber lunch (bonus: it's also low in calories). Eat a lunch full of fiber and you'll be amazed at how many hours you can go without a snack.

 Tip 3: Cut Back on Sweets
Let's face it: you can't expect to transform you body when you're consuming lots of processed foods and refined sugars. You need to cut back significantly if you want real results. That's not to say that you can't still enjoy the occasional treat--it just needs to be done in moderation. There are a couple of ways to cut back. One way is to enjoy something small every day, like a few small pieces of dark chocolate or a measured cup of low fat ice cream. You won't feel deprived if you still treat yourself every day. The other way is to wait to enjoy one large treat every week, like a shared dessert at a restaurant, if you'd prefer quality over quantity.

Tip 4: Count Your Calories
The only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you're taking in. Based on your age, weight, height and activity level an online calorie calculator will estimate how many calories you need to maintain or lose weight. Start keeping a food journal to keep track of every bite you take. You can modify your diet based upon what you write down.

Combine these diet tips with a regular exercise regimen and you can expect to obtain your best summer body sooner rather than later.

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