Wednesday 21 May 2014

Common Cold Home Remedies

Fashion, Beauty and Health

Sore throat and nasal congestion are the most common early signs of getting a cold. While it usually affects the nose and throat, it affects other parts of the body as well.

Exposure is common, particularly in the colder months, when the common cold seems to pop up. The reality is that it’s a virus that simple needs to run its course in your body and there’s not much that you can do to get rid of it.

Usual symptoms associated with common cold are sneezing, running nose, sore throat, headache or heaviness, increased body temperature, body ache and pain along with loss of appetite.

Causes of Common Cold

 Below are some of the top common cold causes 

Exposed to virus
Cold exposure
Changes in temperature
Low vitality

You need to find ways of coping with the symptoms and lessening the duration of the common cold within your body.

Here are some best tips to cope up with common cold

A warm bath is a good solution for fever, clogged nostrils and also helps to calm the body. Therefore when you don’t feel well and you got the flu, a warm bath or even a warm shower will help you with the different symptoms.

Mix 5 drops of garlic oil with a teaspoon of raw onion juice into a glass of water. Drink this several times a day. It is effective in treating common cold. Garlic has many medicinal virtues besides its strong antiseptic and antispasmodic properties.

Steam the face and put a few karvol drops or eucalyptus or basil oil in the water. Inhale the fumes and you will feel better instantly. It is effective to deal with breathing problems associated with asthma, bronchitis, cough, stress related shallow breathing, emphysema.

Chamomile tea makes wonders when you suffer from common cold, drink warm chamomile tea during the day and it will help you feel better, by calming the body, reducing fever if any, and the warmth of the tea will open your nostrils.

Sinus Infection Best Home Remedies

Sinus problems are not only painful they can be distracting and tough to treat. The inflammation of the nasal passages and sinus cavities associated with sinus problems can become debilitating when it reaches the stage of infection.

We should treat Sinus Infection by Home Remedies.Home remedies for sinus infection are absolutely free of various side effects caused by various medical treatments.

Sinus infection infects 90 percent of adults at least once in their life time. Very often people don’t even realize an infection is involved because the symptoms can resemble a cold or the flu with an intense sinus headache.

Symptoms of Sinus Infection 

People anguishing from sinus infection experience terrible uneasiness. Nose and vision are the major victims of Sinusitis.

• Pain in gums and teeth
• Plugged ears or feeling of filled ears
• Swelled or puffed face
• Stuffy nose
• Gray or green discharge from nose for 7 to 8 days.

Home Remedies for Sinus Infection 

Lemonade is resource to ease oneself from the pain of sinus infection. Drinking lemonade makes you feel calmer and thus aids in healing process.

Since ages people trust olive oil for its various healing properties. Massage the areas above and around the nose and eyes with the olive oil. This allows you to inhale with nose and eliminate sinus.

A very common sinus infection home remedy used by many is steam vapor. All you need is a bowl of water heat it until you see vapors. Inhale the vapors every two minutes with 30 second gaps. This will help clear the clog and relieve you of your headache.

One of the most popular and favorite sinus infection home remedy is sipping warm soup. Couple this home remedy with some rest, and you’ll be back on your feet sans the headaches in no time.

Prepare a garlic water steam vapor remedy. Slice some cloves of garlic, put it in a bowl of water, heat it and inhale the steam, do this twice or three times a day.

Health Benefits of Ginger

Ginger is a perennial plant having about 3 feet height. The first stem when compared with other stems, are lengthier and they have the beautiful looking flowers of greenish yellow.

The leaves are characterized by dark green color with prominent midrib. The seeds are arranged in the chambers which are black in color. The familiar part of the ginger is its underground stem and used vastly in medicine and cooking. Often it is mistaken that ginger is the root part of the plant since it grows normally in side the ground. But it is not true and it is only the stem that grows inside the ground. All the energy and reserves are saved in this part of stem called rhizome. New plant arises from these rhizomes only by a system of reproduction called budding.

The cultivation of ginger is being done by buds of the rhizome in loose and fertile soil in moderate temperatures and rain. These gingers are white to yellow in color. Some rare variety of ginger is black in color. When these plants become ten month old, rhizomes are harvested. They are used after washing or stored for later use by washing and drying.English name Ginger
Botanical name Zingiber officinale
Family Zingiberaceae
Other common name Adrak, sont, srngaveram – in Hindi, Urdu and Sanskrit.
Part used stem or rhizome-although growing underground.
Usage spice and in medicine
Flowers the flowers directly originate from rhizome and they are purple in color.
Fruits Fruits are red in color. They have chambers with small sized black seeds. When commercially planted they do not have fruits


It is not advised that any medication can be stopped while taking any systemic treatment for illness. But it is to make people to know ginger is used in alternative medicine in curing the disease. They are very powerful compounds that exert effective influence in curing the diseases.

The gingers contained in this plant makes the taste. It is a pungent aromatic herb. It has the expectorant properties, it enhances sweating, it improves digesting activity, it corrects liver function, it works on vomiting center and controls it, it stimulates circulation and makes the muscles to relax. Ginger is used internally and externally in various disorders.

Various forms of application in medicine: Decoction is one form made by adding some slices of ginger with water and simmered nicely and this is filtered and drunk in several conditions. Tincture is the condensed liquid form of ginger and drops of this form is used in various ailments. Dried power of ginger is packed in capsules which can be used during journey for some illness. It is used as massage oil in various pains of musculo- skeletal origin. Oil form of ginger is also used internally for diseases.

                       10 health benefits of ginger 

1. Diseases associated with circulatory system

Ginger is having the ability in giving its remedy in diseases of circulatory system. It is having the ability to stimulate the circulatory system particularly in peripheral system of circulation and thereby it improves and increases the blood flow. Hence it is largely used to treat the impaired circulation. Hence, it is used in chilblains and in impaired blood flow of hand and feet. It is having a good control in bringing down the high blood pressure to normal and through its ability in the involvement of the disease it is also used in bringing down the body temperature during fever. Due to its excellent interference in blood circulatory system, it is used in weak pulse rate and in pale or white complexion of patients.

2. Anti -coagulant

Ginger is having an excellent quality of anti coagulant properties and hence taking this ginger in capsule form will help the blood kept in thin form and regular usage of the herb will help and prevent blood clot and thereby serious fatal consequences of clotting of blood can be avoided.

3. Conditions associated with respiratory system

Various infections and allergic causes’ affect respiratory system often. Cough, wheezing and fever are commonly arising by these conditions. Ginger is having a soothing and warming effect on lungs and hence it has a good result when treated with ginger in common cold, flu and coughs.

4. In headache

Fresh and dried ginger is having the ability over head ache and most forms of head aches disappear when it is used internally and externally.

5. In joint pain

External application of massage oil is very effective in curing long standing muscular and skeletal joint pain. Regular massaging with ginger oil or ginger compresses give permanent relief in most of the cases of muscular stiffness and joint pain.

6. Neuralgia

Several pain conditions arising out of nerve conditions such as tooth ache, neck pain and back ache. These conditions are treated effectively with ginger. Ginger compresses are used in teeth ache and in abdominal cramps. External application of this ginger is also used to relieve from bladder inflammation and kidney stone pain.

7. Gastro intestinal conditions

Ginger is having the effect of regulating the functions of the entire digestive tract and hence it is used in various conditions of the intestine and stomach including large bowel. It has the quality to regulate the movement of the intestine and hence it is used in treating indigestion, intestinal colic, ulcers, and intestinal reflux diseases and most effectively in constipation. As this also has the antibacterial quality several forms of intestinal infections and food poisoning can be treated with ginger. Ginger is also used in flatulence of the stomach.

8. Vomiting

Many people are having their alteration in the vomiting centre during their journey and ginger usage completely avoids this travel sickness when taken prior to journey and during journey. Pregnant women often treated with ginger during pregnancy.

9. Cooling down the mind

Ginger essential oil is applied to head and massaged to some minutes which causes the brain to refresh itself and thereby it sharpens all the senses and good memory is restored and also the vitality. In some mental disorder, the ginger oil is used as a curative agent by applying to head with massage.

10 Good remedy to women

Ginger is having a real and specific effect of improving blood flow particularly in uterus and hence it is used in menstrual related problems in women. The common problem of clotting of blood during menstrual period is avoided by its anticoagulant properties and women are beneficial by taking ginger as medicine and this will alleviate the menstrual pain and clotting of blood is stopped. Preferably it is very effective in premenstrual tension and pain.

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